Cost of Living in Bullhead City, AZ

Person Checking Their Budget

Bullhead City is a city in Mohave County, Arizona and is part of the Lake Havasu City-Kingman Metropolitan Area, with a population of 40,024. The cost of living in Bullhead City, AZ is around 93.2% of the national average, ranking 143rd out of 273 cities across the United States in terms of cost of living.

In a year, the estimated total cost of housing, food, child care, transportation, health care, taxes, and other necessities for a single adult in this location is $36,398. This is almost the same as the annual cost of living for the state of Arizona at $37,091 and is less than the national average of $38,433.

What is Cost of Living Index?

Simply put, cost of living index is the estimated amount of the cost of the basic necessities required in order for an individual to live. Generally, a cost of living or COL estimate includes estimate costs for housing, food, energy, medical care, transportation, taxes, and other necessities.

A cost of living index is particularly helpful when comparing the cost difference of a certain location compared to another location. If you are considering moving to Bullhead City, for instance, this information could help you assess whether moving to this area would be beneficial for you and your family given your projected income.

The Cost of Living in Bullhead City, AZ

According to the most recent data on the cost of living, Bullhead City has an overall cost of living index of 84.

The overall cost of living in Bullhead City is 0.8x lower compared to the national index of 100.
Bullhead City’s cost of living index is also 0.8x lower than the state of Arizona’s index of 99.
The median household income in Bullhead City is $41,507.
The median household income in the state of Arizona is $58,945.
The median household income on the national level is $62,843.

Housing Costs in Bullhead City, AZ

Housing is one of the major components of the cost of living.

In Bullhead City, the median home value is $140,300.
The median home value in Bullhead City is less than the state median home value of $225,500.
The median home value in Bullhead City is less than the national median home value of $217,500.
Around 42% of occupied homes in Bullhead City are rented.
The renter rate in Bullhead City, AZ is higher compared to the national rate of 36.2%.
The median rent in Bullhead City is $784.
The state median monthly rent is $1,052.
The national median monthly rent is $1,062.

Average Grocery Costs in Bullhead City, AZ

The costs of groceries in Bullhead City are almost the same as the national average. Here are the average costs of groceries in Bullhead City, AZ:

Milk (regular, 1 liter): $0.71
White bread (1 loaf, 500g): $2.61
Rice (white, 1kg): $1.65
Eggs (regular, 1 dozen): $1.99
Local cheese (1kg): $12.13
Chicken fillet (1kg): $8.81
Beef round (1kg): $15.43
Apples (1kg): $2.85
Bananas (1kg): $1.59
Oranges (1kg): $2.09
Tomatoes (1kg): $2.75
Potatoes (1kg): $2.08
Onions (1kg): $1.75
Lettuce (1 head): $1.43
Water (1.5 liters): $1.41
Bottle of wine (mid-range): $7.50

Transportation Costs in Bullhead City, Arizona

Transportation is another significant component of cost of living.

92.10% of commuters in Bullhead City drive to work.
On a national level, 85.5% of commuters drive to work.
Approximately 54.10% of workers commute to jobs outside of Bullhead City.
The average commute in Bullhead City is 20.9 minutes.
The average commute on a national level is 26.6 minutes.
Taking into consideration the cost of gas, public transit, and car maintenance, the estimated average yearly total transportation costs per individual in Bullhead City is $10,438.

Health Care Costs in Bullhead City, AZ

In terms of health care costs, the cost of living index for Bullhead City is lower compared to the state and the national level.

The COL for health is Bullhead City is 94, while the state level is 98.
A visit to the optometrist in Bullhead City costs $89 on average, while the Arizona average is $106.34.
A consultation with a general practitioner in Bullhead City costs $105 on average, while the Arizona average is $115.25.
A dentist appointment in Bullhead City costs $94.67 on average, while the Arizona average is $98.38.

Childcare Costs in Bullhead City, AZ

For households with children, the cost of childcare is one of the primary considerations.

In Bullhead City, the average cost of childcare for two children ages 4 years and 8 years is $14,896 per year.
The average cost of childcare for two children of the same ages across all of Arizona is $16,276.
Across the United States as a whole, the average childcare cost for two children of the same ages as above is $15,853 per year.

Childcare Costs in Bullhead City, AZ

Food is another primary expense that affects one’s overall cost of living.

In Bullhead City, the annual spending on food averages $3,090 per adult.
A household of four spends around $8,925 on average per year.
Across Arizona, the average annual food expenditure for a single adult is $3,083.
Across the United States, the average annual food expenditure is $3,240 for a single adult.
Across Arizona, the average annual food expenditure for a family of four is $8,903.
Across the United States, the average annual food expenditure is $9,354 for a family of four.

As you can see, it is relatively more affordable to live in Bullhead, AZ compared to statewide and nationwide averages. If you are considering moving to this location, feel free to get in touch with us so we could help you look for the perfect home for you and your family. Give us a call today at 714-514-1176 or send us an email at to schedule an appointment. You may also send us a message for any questions.